Grune rejects compulsory membership in chambers of commerce

Grune rejects compulsory membership in chambers of commerce

It was the only written vote of the entire party conference: the nearly 300 delegates were asked to vote on two versions of the election program. The first, presented by martin runge, leader of the parliamentary group: question the role of the chambers and the monopoly of the professional associations. In bold print, it was written in the draft of the state parliament election program. Chapter 1, line 386 to 401. There was talk of forced members. From sucking up demand money.

Version two was written directly below. The chamber system was reviewed, he said, more calmly, more diplomatically. In twelve lines, it was explained why chambers of industry and commerce and the chambers of trade are important. Dieter janecek, the state chairman, introduced the item, spoke of the representation of interests and the function in training.
Then the delegates voted
en from. First sitting, then standing, then writing. Because it was close. Because the prasidium had a hard time to pay the arrears. As difficult as the working group in the elaboration of the point. Consensus was not possible, hence the two versions, hence the vote. 124 delegates eventually voted in writing for version 1, and the second version received 109 votes. With this, the grunes include in their state election program that they want to question chambers and professional associations.

One person who was clearly not pleased with the result was radu ferendino, from the wurzburg-schweinfurt chamber of commerce and industry. He was in charge of an information booth of the bavarian chamber of industry and commerce in the foyer of the party conference. Ferendino said: "the ihks perform more than 50 tasks assigned by the state, including such important as the organization of professional training. If there was no statutory membership, the state had to take over these tasks." And that is more expensive.

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