State badge of honor for alexander franz

State badge of honor for alexander franz

The award of the state fire department badge of honor for alexander franz and other honors as well as the appointment of lea burger as the new leader of the youth fire department were some of the significant points during the annual general meeting of the nurn fire department. All the speakers praised the achievements of the youth fire department, which took part in the 8. May can look back on 20 years of existence, was honored.

Lukas deuerling, chairman of the 95-member fire department association, began by listing the fire department's social events such as the traditional pond festival, the burning of the johannifeuers, a weibwurst-fruhschoppen and the winterwonderland celebration.

Commander jorg greser mentioned the good participation of the 31 active firefighters in 14 training sessions held. During the inspection by the district band inspectorate, both the practical and theoretical parts were rated "very good" has been evaluated. Two groups had successfully passed the performance test, which reached level six (gold-red). The speaker was pleased to note that "with four women in the active team and three young people, the effectiveness of our fire brigade has been increased."

The rally of the market community of steinwiesen with around 70 members was held in nurn at the mold making company bernhard wunder. The gelande proved to be an optimal fire object, especially due to the extension of a warehouse.

Eleven missions were carried out in the area of security and technical assistance. What the commander could not have known at that time was that only one day later the fire brigade was called to a major fire in mauthaus.

Julia greser, who has led the youth group since march 2017, spoke of a year of passionate commitment. As an example, she mentioned the participation in the "kreisleistungsmarsch", where the already excellent sixth place achieved two years ago had now been surpassed once again with fourth place.

At the district performance march in hof we missed a good placement due to unfortunate circumstances. Nevertheless, the youth leader was very satisfied with the 22nd place among 38 groups. Finally she informed that at least 150 hours were invested in practical and theoretical training.

Julia greser then announced the resignation of her office, which had been known for some time. New youth leader is now lea burger.

Besides the state honor to alexander franz for 25 years of active fire department service – it was performed by the district fire chief hans stumpf – even for 30 years of service matthias fortsch and vinzenz sesselmann were honored. In addition, bernd deuerling, dominik lunk and frank sesselmann received the award for 20 years of activity, and patrick kotschenreuther and lukas deuerling for ten years.

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