Ruins give way to driveway

ruins give way to driveway

Sabine weinbeer for decades, a ruined building on the left of the road was the first thing motorists saw when coming to eltmann on the B26 from bamberg. In the future, the entrance to the "stephanshohe" development area will be located there being, the old buildings give way. At its meeting on monday, the city council discussed the development plan, which has now gone through the first phase of interpretation and public participation.

Driveway to be improved

The comments filled twelve pages, but had little impact on the planning so far. Many standard notices from officials were included, as well as the notice of agricultural and sporting uses in the area that future residents will have to accept. The safe turn into the settlement must be made possible via a so-called funnel, i.E. A clear exit, but a left-turn lane is not required.

The government of lower franconia as well as the office for rural development pointed out that inner development should have priority over the designation of new building areas.

All potentials exhausted

In addition, mayor michael ziegler (CSU) explained, as he had done several times before, that the city was exploiting all potentials to make use of vacant lots or vacant buildings. "But most of them are not for sale, certainly not undeveloped building sites", this was the result of all efforts. And so the city of eltmann has only one building site left in the city in its ownership.

Frugal approach

The planning for the "stephanshohe" the effort to use flat land sparingly is well worth it. The development road will be long because the land is on a slope, but duplexes are planned. Very flat roofs provide a lot of living space on three stories on the valley side and two stories on the mountain side. 20 houses are to be built, with low barriers and, if necessary, with inexpensive retrofittable elevators.

The city council discussed all the comments and the comments of the building administration on the matter. The approval resolution was passed unanimously, so that the plans can now go into the second public participation phase.

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